Letter to God
Letter to God
“Letter to God”, a unique self-expression program towards “God” was conducted at many places.
Need of this event
The expression of happiness, sorrow, work, tension, feelings, thoughts, aims-objectives, visions brought a unique relaxation in one’s self. It was the time of financial recession when this program was conducted throughout India.
Aim and objectives
1. Express thoughts which are uneasy in one’s mind and bring one’s peace of mind
2. Experience God Father Shiva as your friend, companion
3. To send ours & others wishes to Shivbaba,
4. Give away our weaknesses to Shivbaba
5. Express our good intentions, wishes, feelings to People, to the mother earth, into the atmosphere, to the animals etc.
1. To write prayers for the self, the society, the country and the world as a whole
2. To offer our thanks to the Almighty for the help He provided when in need
3. Pledge for not repeating past mistakes by offering our weaknesses
4. To express our love and regards to the Almighty
5. Expressing our feelings to the Almighty with simplicity and honesty
6. Offering our fears to God
Memorable event
On March 28th, 2010 as a part of the celebration of Youth Wing’s Silver Jubilee Year & Gujarat University’s Diamond Jubilee Year and 600 years of establishment of Ahmedabad city, ‘Letter to God’ event was organised by Brahma Kumaris – Navrangpura Centre and Youth Wing at Gujarat University – Ahmedabad.
The paper roll for writing letters were spread on 525 feet long platform made of 275 tables and the space of 12″ x 18″ was provided to each participant for writing a letter. Total length of the paper measured was 866. 15 meters with a width of 20 inches and 2800 students and citizens participated in letter writing within a time span of three hours.