Touch The Light

Touch The Light
The project is the need of the present time, why?
Adolescents comprise around 22% of India’s population. They are now trapped between childhood and adulthood. Majority enter adulthood without proper education & life-skills & with poor awareness of their physical and psychological changes. On the other hand, this age group possesses a lot of idealism and energy that needs to be catalyzed into something that is socially transformable; their potential needs to be unleashed for change and reconstruction. They are seeking relevant education, self-confidence, motivation and role models, failing which they are vulnerable in the hands of anti-social groups, who will channelize their energy towards crime and religious fanaticism.
Adolescence is a natural and normal process. A stage of life where a person is not sure of what he/she wants to be and is searching for answers to a lot of questions. They may be in search of their own particular identity. They may be looking for a new role model and also wanting to learn new ideas and be challenged further. They need to be strong enough to say no to bad ideas without being angry or even embarrassed. At this time, they will have an urge to search for their own values; they would want to know the reasons behind the rules set for them to live by. They would begin to have goals for the future and may plan a course of study to obtain these goals.
Parents, teachers & NGOs need to provide a supportive environment for adolescents, to search and explore their identity. We need to be there to guide and advise them during these years.
With this aim, the Youth Wing of the Brahma Kumaris has taken the challenge to nourish these young saplings with a unique service project for the adolescents called “TOUCH THE LIGHT”, Under the Umbrella theme of Youth Empowerment Services (YESs). The project is surging onwards.
During this project, we remain in touch with the Adolescents of 7th, 8th & 9th class students once a week during their school schedule. Overall, there are 32 well-designed sessions prepared by the experts of our organization as per the need of the adolescent age. The faculties who go to teach the students are well-trained and they observe celibacy in their life. They are regular students of this institution and they are not addicted to any type of vices. They undoubtedly lead value-based lifestyle.
Titles were given
Shivbaba (Supreme Soul) Supreme Light
Chairperson of the Wing Tower of Light
National Coordinator Shower of Light
Committee Members Divine Lights
Trainers Guiding Lights
Faculties Living Lights
Students Star Lights
Patrons Guardian Lights
Centres running the YESs project House of Lights
Schools under the project Search Lights
Slogan: Let us make a galaxy of stars on the planet.
Concept: Catch them innocent, make them real saints.
Vision for Star Lights
Students of Class 6th : Happy Stars
Students of Class 7th : Courageous Stars
Students of Class 8th : Powerful Stars