Editorial – May/June 2023

Editorial – May/June 2023
Nowadays in various parts of the world violence, unrest and fighting have increased. The law and order are finding things challenging in management and governance. Youth have to be an example of peace and harmony. Youth should live their life being an example of non-violence, love and cooperation. Youth can spread a sense of security, peace and prosperity. Youth must play a great role towards the younger generation as well as the aged population. Youth being the embodiment of muscle and mind power can ensure a world where there will be a safe future for children.
Also, can we ensure safety and good life for the aged population? The percentage of elderly people are increasing and at the same time negligence towards them are seen. Youth are so much occupied in their career and their own enjoyment that they tend to ignore such moral responsibility.
The Call of the time is that youth needs to be peaceful, responsible and energetic to serve the present generation.