Editorial Nov/Dec 23

Editorial Nov/Dec 23
Youth phase of our life is about exploring newness. In order to perform at our best during this phase, we need to be equipped with the power of acceptance.
Acceptance comes naturally when we are able to focus on the qualities of people. If our heart is filled with love and positivity, it helps to accept people and all situations. It won’t allow a negative reaction.
If we don’t accept people as they are, then it provokes an unhealthy atmosphere. Having a big heart for the self and others is the key for imbibing this power. Accepting means we want to move forward and not stop, or divert by looking at others’ weaknesses.
The year 2023 is coming to an end soon, and there is a saying: “All’s well that ends well”. Therefore reflect on how your year has passed, accept people around you the way they are and make it a memorable year for you.