I Can’t

Do you find your mind telling you these 2 words on multiple occasions? This usually happens
when you are faced with uncomfortable situations or during things which you haven’t done before.
Now let’s look at a few questions and what’s your response to that.

Did you brush for the first time?

Did you take a bath for the first time?

Did you drive for the first time?

Did you take the train for the first time?

If you answered a Yes to all of the above then I am sure you didn’t get it right 100% or you struggled
to get it right until you kept going at it all the time. Yes it was tough at the start because you had not
done it before but it was essential and so you decided to do it anyways.

Now brushing, bathing, driving and taking the train are 4 things we saw but there are many other things
you did for the first time. There will always be a challenge in everything you do and you will also be
judged but that is ok.

Your brushing well can be judged by the dentist, your taking bath can be judged by the skin doctor, your taking a train can be judged by people travelling and your driving can be judged by people walking on the road. The reasons, the mind says I Can’t is just 2.

  • Fear of unknown
  • Fear of being judged

The very acceptance and understanding that you are unique and different is the only way to get rid
of the word “Can’t”.

Ok fine, even if you love the word I Can’t and it makes you comfortable, stay with it but can you do
a small favor to yourself by adding 2 more letters to the word “I Can’t”. Let’s read it as below when
you are faced with any situation or things not done before.

I Can’ Try

Before you say I Can’t can you say I Can Try and do it a few times before giving up. You know it’s just
the lack of knowing that there is nothing you can’t do. I am sure if you TRY and TRY and TRY you will
always do things before giving up.

Isn’t that a nicer place to be than “I Can’t”? TRY means To Rediscover Yourself

I have been in this place as well but the practice of Rajyoga Meditation has helped me immensely change my mind in my youth life only which would become tougher to change at an older age.

by Rohit Gehani