Character and Career
Character and Career
Character acts as a foundation for building a career. Though the foundation is invisible, it plays a major role in stability and strength.
At times, it is also seen that character may not play a specific role in kick starting one’s career. However, to sustain and explore one’s own career, one needs character. There are many sports person who started their career well in sports, however due to their loose character they failed to achieve the pick. Once upon a time, Hansie Cronje was one of the best captains of the International team. During his career, he had hardly lost any matches against opponents. But because of match fixing scandal, he ruined his career.
Till the time a person is not successful and does not earn any income, one gives a lot of importance to ethics and principles of life. Once one achieves prosperity and stability, one changes his ideology of life. At the end, one gets trapped by negative pleasure. In career, many times the youngster compromises with their character to reach the top. In many cases, especially during student life one tries to use shortcuts path by adopting cheating, malpractice and fraud. At the end, one end up behind bars.
Character is tested in critical situation and when one is alone. Suppose in an examination hall, in the absence of the invigilator if one aintains self-discipline and honest then such a person is claimed to have a strong character.