Decision Dependency & Youth
Decision Dependency & Youth
What is Decision Dependency? There are various forms of dependency, one of them is decision dependency. That is in a situation where one relies too much on others to make decisions. Respecting the ideas and opinions of elders or taking their guidance to make decisions is advisable, but decision dependency makes one incapable to making independent decisions. One needs to be bold and wise to face the adversities and uncertainties. During the time of emergency because of several reasons one may not get a chance to contact friends and family members to choose the right path.
Build Confidence through taking Decisions: Most of the time, parents influence the decision of their children. Even in many cases parents make decisions for their grown up child. Obedience to parental advice is a virtue, but in the process parents should empower their children to make the right decision. Of course, youth cannot get out of decision dependency overnight, they need to prove themselves through results, through systematic effort and practical proof.
People will develop confidence on you if you take sensible decision.
Am I capable of taking my own decision? Youth should take proper decisions balancing mind and heart so that the career and relations can be fruitful in the long run. Taking our own decision out of overconfidence and arrogance is not a big thing, but taking wise and sensible decisions to satisfy all is a great thing and for that a sense of maturity, knowledge, wisdom, confidence and concentration is needed. Spiritual knowledge is all about empowering one to make a decision, not just a decision but a correct and wise decision. It is advisable to take the consent of the team or the group or family members before taking a decision, if your decision is going to affect them.
Decision Dependencies and Monetary Support: If supported monetarily, for example in student life then one has to obey or to listen to the suggestion or guidance of the funding person. Parents take care of the expenses of their children till they become independent to earn their own livelihood. As soon as one becomes financially free slowly steadily one learn to take their own decision, there may be the influence of parents but at the end financial freedom empowers one to take their own decision. So one should not be impatient to be free, impatience takes away the freedom of a person.
Be virtuous to enjoy the freedom of Decision Making: Financial freedom alone doesn’t ensure freedom from dependency, along with it, the need of freedom from addiction and vices are necessary. Under the influences of addiction and vices, the decision of a person becomes biased, wrong and misleading. Unconsciously, the subconscious mind make wrong decisions. Though people feel wrong but yet act as right. We witnessed in Mahabharat, Duryodhana was perceiving the wrong as the right act under the influence of jealousy, hatred, greediness and lust. People commits blunder under addictions and vices and are overconfident on their decisions and then suffers unending pain.
Decision shapes life: What you eat shape your body, likewise your decisions on education, relations, entertainment, etc shape your life. All of us understand the importance of decision in the sphere of politics, war, business, economy, sports and personal life. People are paid on the basis of decision making abilities. In most of the cases, the youth who are good in taking fast and right decisions have a high paid jobs. Keep a track on “is my life taking shape as per my wish and vision?” If not, then change the track and correct your decisions. The experiences and the incidents that comes in our life are the greatest treasure in learning and taking the right decisions. Freedom of decision making is the ultimate goal and the highest achievement in one’s life.