Faith in the Self

Faith in the self and faith in one’s ability, capability will make one feel relaxed, easy and focused.A person with a strong faith will never sense frustration or depression. Faithin the Almighty and in the people around will not allow one to have a feeling of loneliness because one getsupport and receive cooperation from them when one march forward with faith and confidence.

Faith can give the sensation of an invisible support of the divine power. When one has faith, there won’t be self doubt. There won’t be anyquestion marks regarding victory or loss.Whether I will able to overcome negative situation, opposition or not? The youth with firm faith will be bubbling with energy and enthusiasm. Striving on something will yield result.

Youth having self-faith won’t do self-glorification. He will remain steadfast in all opposition and rejection. Faithful youth won’t avoid any person or situation while accomplishing his/her goal. Then they feel doubly victorious that is one in reality and the other within the mind. This victory is the result of a firm faith. Unshakable faith inside leads to success in the outer world.

The characteristics of a youth with a firm faith are:

  1. Will have indomitable spirit
  2. Will avoid wasteful thoughts andactivities
  • Will not blame others for anysituations, or any circumstances
  1. Will help and cooperate with others
  2. Will have a clean, clear and transparent thinking process

History is filled with personalities having firm faith. This made them victorious in spite of all the odds and oppositions. Develop your faith and practice it.