The “I” in the Team

It’s natural to take pride in our individual efforts and seek recognition for the hard work we put in. After all, achievements often require relentless dedication and personal sacrifices. The thought, “I have worked hard. I put in the maximum effort and that should be recognized,” is common and valid to an extent. Yet, the magic of true success lies in shifting our perspective from focusing solely on ourselves to acknowledging the collective effort of the team. Recognizing the visible and invisible contributions of others—even those who work behind the scenes—creates an environment where everyone feels valued and motivated. True leaders know that no individual effort stands alone; it’s the collaboration and shared commitment that elevate accomplishments to greater heights.

Similarly, ambitions and dreams are important—“I have a dream. I should grow in life,”—but the journey becomes more meaningful when it’s not just about personal growth. Helping others reach their potential and supporting their aspirations can create ripples of success that go far beyond individual achievements. When you actively contribute to someone else’s growth, the blessings and goodwill you receive in return can fuel your own progress in unexpected ways. Growth fueled by collaboration and mutual support is not only sustainable but also deeply fulfilling.

This brings us to a critical question: Who will remain in power?

The answer lies in understanding the essence of leadership. Those who prioritize the collective over the individual, who uplift others rather than stepping over them, will build enduring legacies. Leaders who can look beyond their own ambitions and recognize the value of their teams’ contributions will always have the trust and loyalty of their people. On the other hand, a self-centered approach might bring short-term success but will struggle to sustain influence in the long run.

The “I” in the team is not about diminishing individual effort or ambition; rather, it’s about channeling them in a way that strengthens the collective. When personal success aligns with team success, it creates a powerful synergy that drives everyone forward. In the end, those who lift others as they climb will find themselves at the top, surrounded by a strong and supportive network that they have nurtured along the way.