Turning self into an agent of change and progress

Youth life is full of energy – of mind and body. As source of creative thoughts, life is filled with opportunities to bring transformation in the world, with a long promising future. Youth have their unique thought process and idea of doing things.

There is no doubt that youth can be a change agent of peace and progress. Here are four points of focus for the purpose:

  1. Developing innovative power and energy: One needs energy and power for progress and transformation. This energy can be in various forms and ways. Youth needs to rediscover the self in order to realise those power and strength. As youth spend time developing muscles, the development of psychological muscles is equally essential.
  2. Consistency: Life is a progress, and not a halt. One doesn’t need to do extreme things, but need to be consistent in whatever one is good at. 
  3. Awareness: When one don’t know where to act, when to act then the awareness of situations, problems, circumstances help to act timely. Awareness of one’s capability, strengths will lead to confidence to initiate action. Change and progress will happen automatically when there is awareness.
  4. Face the storm: Until and unless one doesn’t face problems, oppositions and challenges, there is no progress or transformation. Youth will blossom in adversity like butterflies.