Youth Facing Challenges

Youth presents its own unique challenges. These challenges are manifold, including a desire to create their own identity, social pressure, gender discrimination, and a lack of employment opportunities. 

Over and above this, several studies and reports have documented the increase in stress levels among youth in India:

  • A survey by the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) found rising levels of anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues among Indian adolescents.
  • The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data indicates a rise in suicides among students, often attributed to academic pressure and family problems.

It requires a comprehensive approach to address these multifaceted issues. 

Spiritual empowerment can effectively address many of these issues by focusing on the following:

  • Understanding the Soul: When we realise that we are a soul residing in this body then we can live in brotherhood and we are not daunted by the materialistic differences. 
  • Affirmations and Positive Thinking: Using positive affirmations and maintaining a positive mindset would help youth to increase their confidence levels. They would not succumb to undue social pressures. 
  • Relationship with God: Youth face many challenges in their relationships. Practising Rajyoga meditation can help them connect with their inner self and the Supreme Soul (God), enhancing their spiritual awareness and mental clarity.
  • Positive feelings: Incorporating regular meditation sessions would help to cultivate a stable and peaceful mind.
  • Serving Humanity: By focusing on serving others and making positive contributions to society, youth will develop respect and love for the environment and the broader community. They will extend their efforts beyond improving their nuclear families, promoting peace, harmony, and well-being in society.

The Brahma Kumaris engage extensively in this space on a day-to-day basis. We have a long-standing association with the United Nations (UN), contributing to various global initiatives and discussions focusing on peace, sustainable development, and human rights. 

There are numerous myths surrounding spirituality, such as the belief that it is only for the elderly or that being spiritually inclined will lead to social disconnection. It is important to give spirituality a chance and experience its benefits before dismissing it.