Comment, Correction, Quotation

We find out that youth are serious during the time of exam. They even skip their meals and sleep in order to utilize every moment. They are completely focussedin preparingtheir exam. And during those time they should avoid people who pass comments, give correction and quotation.

It is seen that youth have this tendency to comment, correct and quote in various situations, for events happening aroundamong their friend circle. Do not waste your thoughts and precious moments in analyzing and criticizing others. Directly and indirectly, they develop enmity or become the enemy of their own enthusiasm.

It is seen that good players got washed out, lost their careerin loop of comments, corrections, and quotations. They themselves get disturbed and then they disturb others as well. Youth have more temptation in identifying others loopholes, weaknesses.It is a kind of diversion of the mind. Instead one should be connected with their own goal.

Once one enter into controversy, it is difficult to get out of criticism, comment and arguments. The world is full of dichotomy. One has to decide the positive or negative aspect of the same situation. One needs to be focussed and positive.

Positive self-criticism, self-analysis, self-arguments open up new dimensions, opportunity for self-growth and development of the surrounding.If it is affirmative, it can be one kind of expertise to give comment, criticize, give a quotation. It has helped humanity to move forward Commenting and correcting with love, empathy and kindness will take a person in front of their new height of success. One should learn when to comment, correct and quote.When youth get such appreciative comments from their parents, teachers, well wishers, seniors, these are filled with so much goodness that it changes their life forever and strengthen their positivity. Practice the same.