Gratitude and Guidance from seniors during early youth life
Gratitude and Guidance from seniors during early youth life
Youth have seniors like parents and teachers, also relatives, colleagues in their workplace, and sometimes idols, etc. who are influencial in their life. Elders keep supporting them from time to time. Elderly persons hammer youth away on particular things.
The seniors show their displeasure when youth gossip, waste their time, don’t do proper things in the proper way, don’t get up early in the morning, don’t follow a certain routine, remain lousy in their day-to-day discipline, etc. They warn them in all deviations and aberrations. Initially, youth are not keen to follow their ways. But, when such limitations are converted into positive habits leading to an assured outcome, then youth start to understand the importance of such guidance. It is like the chiseling of a rough stone into an idol.
Youth learn naturally through observation of the life of seniors. When youth see them everyday performing various tasks, seeing their daily routine, their activities, their passion, their compassion, their love and their obedience. These things influence any individual naturally. Seeing the bright side of our seniors transform our life. Successful seniors do their own internal and consistent efforts to remain relevant and useful for all. I have often seen parents sacrificing many leisures for the sake of their children, just to set an example. If youth don’t have such seniors around them, then they should look around for such matured seniors with credible and successful life. Those experienced elders will love to share their knowledge and practical wisdom.
Sharing and clarifying doubts of various aspects with seniors can keep youth move forward. To work together with them on different platforms will develop confidence. Cross verifying from the seniors will enrich their experience. Youth often dedicate their success to such seniors who have shown guidance and gratitude.