The omnipresence of God – a myth or a fact ?

When we are in trouble or in need, we pray to God as He is the Most Powerful and full of Love and Mercy. He is the Father of all souls.

This brings us to an interesting question as many believes in the omnipresence of God.

If He is the Father figure then how is He present in each one of us? Shouldn’t He then be a separate entity? If He is present everywhere then each one of us becomes Father so then why do we need to pray?

Moreover, if God is omnipresent then everything in which He resides becomes His part and anything which is a part of Him will have His qualities and powers. Then why do some people kill others or indulge in thefts and crimes?

If that is because we humans are still in a journey and therefore have not realized that we are a part of God or our God ourselves then who is running the show of life in the interim? Whom are we praying to when God also does not remember his own potential?

If this is true that God is present in each of us then indeed, he is an actor and a part of the show. In that case who is the Director? If the Director becomes an actor, then he would be bound by the limitations and rules of the show. Anyone who takes this body is bound by the 5 senses and is subject to perception. For example, when we see something with our eyes then despite of countless details in front of us, we choose to notice some as per our filters.

Therefore, the information we store in our mind is merely our version of truth.

How will God then be Sat-chit-ananda (sat (truth) + chit (conscious) + anand (blissful))?

Some also believe that Brahmanda or nature is God. If we are referring to plants, animals etc. as nature then they have limited consciousness then how can they be more powerful than us? If we are referring to earth, water, fire, air, and space then they are not conscious on their own. A knowledge of the five elements does allow us to understand the laws of nature and to use yoga to attain greater health, power, knowledge, wisdom and happiness. But that is exactly the point. The purpose of five elements is to serve the souls of the universe.

Then who is God?

God is the Supreme Power, the Father of us souls; one who uplifts and purifies us with love and spiritual knowledge to create a beautiful world.

This is not just a definition but an experience. Also, it is our love for Him that makes us see him everywhere and not his sheer presence that is referred to when we use this word omnipresence. This awareness is important so that we do not get misled by seeing suffering and vices and wonder how God’s presence is also not able to solve these problems.